Egos In The Pulpit

Egos In The Pulpit


We will begin to understand how silently egos have served in the misguidance of young and old alike.  Egos have forged a silent force from within that is altering and hampering change in a negative way in our black churches.



We are challenged today with these truths. How the ego has affected us in the African – American church, and how it has set and unprecedented paradigm shift in the lives of generations and generations to come of church attendees and there families.

Our focus has been shifted from winning souls to gaining notoriety. It seems to be more important to us in church not who wins the most souls or who does the most serving to the community that has been replaced, with who will be wearing the biggest hat, who can make the people emotional respond to antics and flavor. In short we have shifted from what our purpose is meant to be.

We will begin to understand how silently egos have served in the misguidance of young and old alike.  Egos have forged a silent force from within that is altering and hampering change in a negative way in our black churches.